JOB: Reinstall Windows CE on Mio Moov 360 N179

I tried to install, for a friend, iGO navigation system on Mio N179 (Moov 360) device
I copyed needed files but i didn't make the proper changes
So, the device is inoperable and have to be reinstall

YOU NEED: Windows CE firmware image ( - use google), SD card max. 1GB capacity

1. Copy files 'winceimg.bin' and 'winceimg.cks' to SD card
2. Asume that the service menu is unlock, put the SD card  in to device and power on the unit from 'reset' button position
3. From blue upgrade screen select '0=wince upgrade' (put power button to off and then to on position)
4. From new screen select '0=wince by sd/mmc (format)' (off and then on) and wait
5. When it finish restart without SD card and the device will display the usb conection


Tags: mio moov firmware upgrade, moov 360 rom, imagine windows mio moov, gps navigation system


  1. Hi, how can I get to the "blue screen"?

  2. hi there,i'm on blue screen on moov 200 but there is no wince option,any help on that?
