JOB: Reinstall Windows CE on Mio Moov 360 N179

I tried to install, for a friend, iGO navigation system on Mio N179 (Moov 360) device
I copyed needed files but i didn't make the proper changes
So, the device is inoperable and have to be reinstall

YOU NEED: Windows CE firmware image ( - use google), SD card max. 1GB capacity

1. Copy files 'winceimg.bin' and 'winceimg.cks' to SD card
2. Asume that the service menu is unlock, put the SD card  in to device and power on the unit from 'reset' button position
3. From blue upgrade screen select '0=wince upgrade' (put power button to off and then to on position)
4. From new screen select '0=wince by sd/mmc (format)' (off and then on) and wait
5. When it finish restart without SD card and the device will display the usb conection


Tags: mio moov firmware upgrade, moov 360 rom, imagine windows mio moov, gps navigation system

JOB: Coded Renault Philips 22DC579

Renault Philips Model 22DC579/62
Code 0000-9999
EEPROM 4C02 (X2402) SMD
Audio IC TDA1516BQ

YOU NEED: computer interface (icprog, ponyprog), philips579 EEPROM dump with known code (over the internet), tools

1. Search for EEPROM inside the unit and remove it
2. Read it on PC interface
3. Open the dump you found and overwrite EEPROM
4. Solder EEPROM back to unit
5. Power ON tuner and test the code

Press [1] repeatedly for the first digit
Press [2] repeatedly for the second digit
Press [3] repeatedly for the third digit
Press [4] repeatedly for the fourth digit
Finally if the correct code is shown on screen press preset [5] button to save the code


Tags: car radio decode, carradio safe mode, renault philips code, codelocked unit, radio security code, serial calculator, carradio code calculator